Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae

Chocolaty goodness in a glass! Sort of layered but doing its own thing really…Recipe guru Kathy Paterson says you’re welcome to change the fresh fruit depending on what’s in season. She recommends oranges and bananas, which she says are also a great combination with chocolate.

Makes: 4

Chocolate custard

100g dark chocolate, chopped

250ml full cream milk

2 egg yolks

2 tablespoons caster sugar

1 teaspoon arrowroot

To finish

250g fresh raspberries

200ml cream, whipped

250g fresh raspberries

2-3 scoops ice cream per glass (Kathy used a vanilla ice cream spiked with chocolate chips)

1 dark chocolate block (we used Foundry Chocolate), for shavings

Foundry chocolate squares

Make the chocolate custard, put the chocolate in a heavy-based saucepan along with the milk. Put over low heat and stir gently until the chocolate has melted, without allowing the milk to boil.

In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks, sugar and arrowroot together until light and creamy. Pour in the chocolate milk, whisking until well combined.

Rinse out the saucepan and return chocolate milk mixture. Put over medium heat and cook until thickened.  Ensure the mixture does not boil to prevent curdling and also if arrowroot is allowed to boil it will lose its thickening properties. Remove from the heat and cover the surface with baking paper to prevent a skin forming. Leave to cool.

To assemble,  lightly crush a quarter of the raspberries using a fork and roughly fold through the whipped cream.

Put a layer of chocolate custard in the base of each glass. Top with some of the whipped raspberry cream. Crush another quarter of the raspberries and put on top. Add scoops of ice cream. Drizzle over some more of the chocolate custard then top with fresh raspberries.

Put the chocolate block on a board, flat side up. Using a large sharp knife and starting at the top, draw the knife down the chocolate towards you to make shavings. Put on top of the sundaes.


  • Chill glasses in the fridge to keep everything cold.

  • Freeze the egg whites for another use or they do keep well in the fridge.

  • The chocolate custard can be made the day before and kept in the fridge.

  • Frozen raspberries thawed on kitchen paper can be substituted for fresh ones.

  • Toasted and chopped hazelnuts or almonds sprinkled over the top of the sundaes add texture. These can be used rather than chocolate shavings.


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